+ [2015-05-21T17:00:49Z] mehwork but it seems like i should just be able to create an authorization based on my clientid/secret just the same as you described
+ [2015-05-21T17:18:31Z] Seveas mehwork: it is oauth, I was wrong.
+ [2015-05-21T17:20:42Z] mehwork np, thanks for clarifing
+ [2015-05-21T17:21:00Z] mehwork it all makes sense now it hink
+ [2015-05-21T17:21:57Z] mehwork i think i need to have my employer run the curl command to do basic auth to generate an auth token for me, since using the client id/secret doesn't seem to work (although you'd think either one would work)

message no. 94396

Posted by ciwolsey in #github at 2015-05-21T06:46:36Z

so ive been working on a project with a friend, we both created branches to work on our features, he completed his and merged it to master.. but now im trying to merge mine with master and its saying it cant merge automatically
+ [2015-05-22T02:11:33Z] grepper I just did a new release using the web interface, and tags v0.35.2 (and tovid-0.35.2) but "git describe" in master still shows 0.35.0-55-g93b5ffc . Shouldn't it describe the # of commits since 0.35.2 ?
+ [2015-05-22T02:33:52Z] grepper Do I need to make it an 'annotated' tag?
+ [2015-05-22T03:36:52Z] foxxx_ how do I delete all the files in my master branch?
+ [2015-05-22T03:52:56Z] arussel I'm trying to do a push from a script. Does git try to read some environment variable for auth ?
+ [2015-05-22T04:33:26Z] Seveas foxxx_: git checkout master; git rm -r --cached . (if you also want to delete files from disk, omit the --cached); git commit