+ [2015-05-23T16:30:00Z] Nevik surprise-high-fives Seveas
+ [2015-05-23T16:35:21Z] Seveas dodges the high five and starts tickling Nevik
+ [2015-05-23T17:11:20Z] Nevik Seveas, D:
+ [2015-05-23T17:11:26Z] Nevik so mean
+ [2015-05-23T21:17:28Z] okdamn Hi, do you know any SSH adapter for Hubot??

message no. 94632

Posted by flight16_ in #github at 2015-05-23T03:53:08Z

+ [2015-05-24T04:16:27Z] punto hi.. what's the workflow to make a pull request to a project's wiki? I can only find https://help.github.com/articles/adding-and-editing-wiki-pages-locally/ but that seems to be for the owner of the repository
+ [2015-05-24T05:59:29Z] linuxmint Hello, could someone check if this is the best plan to sort out my repository please? http://dpaste.com/0CPW52A
+ [2015-05-24T05:59:38Z] linuxmint I have local old branches I need to link to my new remote repository.
+ [2015-05-24T06:38:31Z] lillian relative/intrawiki asciidoc links for wikis ;_; i can't use wiki document filenames with spaces in them?
+ [2015-05-24T06:38:50Z] lillian also the preview shows [[this as working]] if i select asciidoc on the online eidtor