+ [2015-06-02T22:18:06Z] PatrickC hmm.. ok, was hoping there was a staffer on (there was last time i had an issue similar)
+ [2015-06-02T22:18:08Z] PatrickC that's fine
+ [2015-06-02T22:18:11Z] PatrickC i'll shoot them an email
+ [2015-06-02T23:02:37Z] Seylerius There a way to search a repo for a specific phrase?
+ [2015-06-02T23:02:48Z] Seylerius IE: "defn line-border"?

message no. 96219

Posted by VarunAgw in #github at 2015-06-02T07:46:28Z

Hi! I have a question regarding branches. Suppose I am working on a feature and want to commit frequently with meaningless changes that breaks existing code so I can revert back easily if needed. And then after I am done, I made my final important commit. Is it generally acceptable to do this or each commit in a branch have to be meaningful?
+ [2015-06-03T01:34:15Z] EionRobb hi there, I'm trying to use the svn interface but it's stopped letting me commit saying I'm out of date, but when I `svn update` its saying there's nothing to update. any tips?
+ [2015-06-03T03:04:35Z] jayeshsolanki I forked a jekyll blog a few months ago and pushed a few commits to my blog. Now the original repo has new commits and I want to merge them to my repo. What;s the best way to do this?
+ [2015-06-03T03:08:00Z] akkad merge
+ [2015-06-03T03:14:04Z] jayeshsolanki ok it was fetch and merge, thanks :)
+ [2015-06-03T08:11:53Z] catphish why is it that a public ssh key can only be assigned to a single repository?