latest 4 messages by A044

+ [2014-08-31T11:05:18Z] A044 Where can I find the version of Include Code plugin that supports these options?
+ [2014-08-31T11:05:03Z] A044 Sorry, Include Code, not Inline Code.
+ [2014-08-31T11:02:37Z] A044 Do I understand correctly that Inline Code plugin in Octopress 2.0 doesn't work with options 'start', 'end', 'range', etc? This options are described in the docs:
+ [2014-08-29T10:44:10Z] A044 Hi all! Which version of Octopress is major now? 3.0 RC or 2.0? I can't figure out which version I should use for a new blog.