latest 20 messages by A124

+ [2017-03-04T17:37:48Z] A124 How does one include files in all subdirectories? Tried !**/*.md without luck.
+ [2016-11-04T00:27:48Z] A124 Hey. How does one set HEAD on the remote repo?
+ [2016-10-17T04:06:37Z] A124 Non progressive asshats would never include nim(rod) and minor languages.
+ [2016-10-17T04:06:04Z] A124 Just here to say that github is awesome.
+ [2016-06-08T05:12:23Z] A124 points at north, check PM.
+ [2016-06-08T05:08:44Z] A124 Yeah, considered writeup, but that might come later, got more stuff to do now.
+ [2016-06-08T05:08:18Z] A124 north How about no?
+ [2016-06-08T05:08:10Z] A124 It takes few minutes to figure out, also problems with global/repo config, and the ssh, but after that it helps navigate and save fingertyping.
+ [2016-06-08T05:07:18Z] A124 Zarthus
+ [2016-06-08T05:07:15Z] A124 north Yeah, one is commandline, other is in browser. Want PM? I literaly started recently and had to figure stuff myself, want to help someone xD
+ [2016-06-08T05:06:09Z] A124
+ [2016-06-08T05:05:02Z] A124 was asking people about tools, and it turns out people barely know what they are doing. Like that xkcd joke.
+ [2016-06-08T05:04:22Z] A124 If you use ungit, setup ssh key, and use ssh config to tell it to use that key for github + add that key in github settings.
+ [2016-06-08T05:03:29Z] A124 north Btw, if you are new, you might like few things: github hub + bash completion, ungit
+ [2016-06-08T05:02:46Z] A124 As I said, after you send it it will show.
+ [2016-06-08T05:01:50Z] A124 north the PR will show on bottom as open.
+ [2016-06-08T05:01:27Z] A124 Then you did not contribute to anything.
+ [2016-06-08T05:00:51Z] A124 So it has to be your own repository to be on the bottom.
+ [2016-06-08T05:00:07Z] A124 In case of contribution activity bottom of your profile shows commits and right shows the repos you contributed to.
+ [2016-06-08T04:58:47Z] A124 north Did you actualy contribute to any other repo then you own? Aka PR?