latest 20 messages by Ablu

+ [2013-07-17T12:04:05Z] Ablu bb and thanks again
+ [2013-07-17T12:03:58Z] Ablu well i am outside for a while
+ [2013-07-17T12:03:06Z] Ablu but i would follow an announce maillinglist ;)
+ [2013-07-17T12:01:08Z] Ablu Fedora
+ [2013-07-17T12:01:06Z] Ablu it is just too annoying to go through and remember everything when updating
+ [2013-07-17T12:00:52Z] Ablu parkr: well i always forget updating software which i did not install via the package system
+ [2013-07-17T11:55:11Z] Ablu thanks a lot for your help!
+ [2013-07-17T11:55:01Z] Ablu that would have saved me some time before :P
+ [2013-07-17T11:54:54Z] Ablu cool
+ [2013-07-17T11:54:51Z] Ablu ah good
+ [2013-07-17T11:54:04Z] Ablu parkr: 1.1.0 works too?
+ [2013-07-17T11:30:52Z] Ablu maybe that is since it is no "critical" error?
+ [2013-07-17T11:30:33Z] Ablu parkr: see here:
+ [2013-07-17T11:30:16Z] Ablu parkr: hm. i only listed the maruku error lines for me iirc
+ [2013-07-17T11:30:04Z] Ablu parkr: 1.0.1
+ [2013-07-17T11:22:56Z] Ablu otherwise i have no idea which file was creating the error
+ [2013-07-17T11:22:44Z] Ablu well i helped myself with a script which moves files around and rebuilds by adding each file after another and stopping as soon an error occurs
+ [2013-07-17T11:22:12Z] Ablu hm. makes sense
+ [2013-07-17T11:21:17Z] Ablu parkr: can i somehow only rebuild specific pages with jekyll?
+ [2013-07-17T11:15:13Z] Ablu will still report a bug :P