latest 4 messages by AlbertFaust

+ [2015-06-03T23:34:47Z] AlbertFaust :) one more question, ive been using github quite a bit over the last while by uploading though my browser. I now want to install git on my laptop and use terminal commands to push instead of the web interface. I dont have any of the files saved to my computer so is the best way to go about this to downlaod everything on my github as a .zip and then set that as my github folder that i commit from?
+ [2015-06-03T23:31:10Z] AlbertFaust i just heard a few people saying they got approved instantly and i wanted to make sure i didnt do something wrong
+ [2015-06-03T23:30:43Z] AlbertFaust haha yeah exactly what i was going to ask :) thanks
+ [2015-06-03T23:29:30Z] AlbertFaust has anyone here applied for the github student dev pack?