latest 11 messages by Algebr

+ [2017-01-17T22:35:04Z] Algebr ffs
+ [2017-01-17T22:29:14Z] Algebr intersting, I thought it might have been public by default at some point
+ [2017-01-17T21:46:44Z] Algebr I made a github organization but my members aren't having their membership shown by default. Anyway at the organization level to make all member's membership show up on their profile?
+ [2016-10-16T07:21:13Z] Algebr ahhhh, yes
+ [2016-10-16T07:13:43Z] Algebr A little confused about github doc per repo setup. say you have a page at, and a github repo project called bar and say bar has a directory of doc with the doc feature enabled. Does that mean that just blindly serves whatever html is at the bar repo's doc directory?
+ [2016-03-17T20:04:12Z] Algebr I forgot how to force push a tagged release. was something like git push -f :v1.0?
+ [2015-10-24T17:12:19Z] Algebr I made a repo and added a collabator. This collabotor uses 2 factor auth but I don't. She can't push to my repo even though I said on my settings page that she is a collabortr. What is going on?
+ [2015-09-20T20:50:30Z] Algebr language %
+ [2015-09-20T20:50:24Z] Algebr Does github count the % of usage of a repo by the line counts of code?
+ [2014-11-24T00:20:23Z] Algebr under deploying to github pages.
+ [2014-11-24T00:20:12Z] Algebr In the deploying tutorial, what is the purpose and which directory should the prompt for "Don't forget to commit the source for your blog"