latest 11 messages by AndyAndyBoBandy

+ [2020-01-24T00:02:31Z] AndyAndyBoBandy R2robot: I am currently, but I'd like to replace them with SVGs. Animated SVGs are rendered well by github's markdown parser, I just want to know how github likes to see it in reST for the same functionality.
+ [2020-01-23T23:53:26Z] AndyAndyBoBandy anyone know best practices for including animated SVGs in reST, especially for getting rendered properly by github's readme parser?
+ [2020-01-22T21:04:52Z] AndyAndyBoBandy If I want to display an animated SVG in my github-rendered readme, I've read advice to save the SVG as a gist, then use some extra service like (dead) rawgit -- what does that do that using the github raw URL doesn't?
+ [2020-01-22T00:12:03Z] AndyAndyBoBandy for github actions, what's the default working-directory for run steps that don't specify one -- the project root?
+ [2020-01-21T21:57:53Z] AndyAndyBoBandy I'm not a responsible choice as dev/maintainer of a ruby project. I might get along with git-bug, though, currently checking it out
+ [2020-01-21T21:56:42Z] AndyAndyBoBandy Looking at the readme (md) on github for git-bug, I see that these <details><summary> tags are rendered in a cool fold/unfold way. Does gh render similarly any reST constructs?
+ [2020-01-21T21:54:46Z] AndyAndyBoBandy I don't think hub is designed to be a TUI, if you mean hub
+ [2020-01-21T20:40:30Z] AndyAndyBoBandy Can anyone recommend a good TUI for github issues and/or PRs? I currently use stephencelis/ghi which is ok, but last updated 2016. I also see jsmits/github-cli last updated 2012. I know hub, but that seems to just open the pages in a browser, whereas I'm looking for a TUI or CLI.