latest 20 messages by Arr0way

+ [2015-11-26T01:19:20Z] Arr0way be nice if it told you the line number it borks at - bit of a joke doing what i just did took hours (massive file)
+ [2015-11-26T01:18:34Z] Arr0way PrincessZoey: didnt work i eventually found it going though it line by line - didn;t like a code snippet between {% highlight bash%} tags
+ [2015-11-26T00:31:53Z] Arr0way how can i get jekyll to tell me where the error is when it parses the markdown file?
+ [2015-11-26T00:30:44Z] Arr0way guys, I can't get my jekyll site to build - weird issue affecting one post only
+ [2014-12-13T16:38:52Z] Arr0way ikilledher as it turned out the solution was very simple, user kramdown and then :toc in the post.
+ [2014-12-13T16:10:22Z] Arr0way ikilledher already looked at this but: If you host your jekyll pages on github you can't run plugins, in this scenario you can use a full javascript solution using TOC Generator for Markdown
+ [2014-12-13T14:54:04Z] Arr0way any easy way to add TOC on a jekyll site?
+ [2014-11-17T10:20:22Z] Arr0way Remram fixed it was being a mong and making changes to the wrong dir - thanks though.
+ [2014-11-16T23:25:45Z] Arr0way Guys, I have a bunch of image files for a site - I've made changes and attemtped to push them but it's failing to push the files to the github repo.
+ [2014-11-08T14:32:49Z] Arr0way how can i bootstrap this and install the follwoing template ? I can't find a link to download that template anywhere? used to be
+ [2014-09-22T08:15:33Z] Arr0way tadni other way around
+ [2014-09-22T08:15:24Z] Arr0way Oh yeah, but if you need to make the repo private as an org it costs more.
+ [2014-09-22T08:13:04Z] Arr0way I mean creating an org?
+ [2014-09-22T08:09:01Z] Arr0way also yeah - cname it?
+ [2014-09-22T08:08:43Z] Arr0way tadni_ upi you have to pay for that?
+ [2014-09-10T08:42:45Z] Arr0way Morning guys, any ideas on this: Liquid Exception: undefined method `length' for nil:NilClass in _layouts/blogitem.html ? I'm a bit stuck tbh
+ [2014-09-08T12:38:19Z] Arr0way yes i know
+ [2014-09-08T12:38:01Z] Arr0way I mean vm == virtual machine same as vps in this context.