latest 8 messages by Aspiringguy

+ [2016-07-22T04:39:34Z] Aspiringguy so among those files, which file do we need to work on?
+ [2016-07-22T04:32:51Z] Aspiringguy suppose there are 20-30 files. Among those files, How do we know which file do we need to commit changes?
+ [2016-07-22T04:31:55Z] Aspiringguy yeah but my question is
+ [2016-07-22T04:29:41Z] Aspiringguy Which files do we* need to commit changes?
+ [2016-07-22T04:27:11Z] Aspiringguy yeah, but files do need to commit changes, thats the main issue I am facing right now
+ [2016-07-22T04:08:30Z] Aspiringguy I am a newbie. Can anyone help? After forking, cloning, branching a particular repository on Github, Which files do we need to commit changes?