latest 20 messages by Atlenohen

+ [2019-10-29T18:41:51Z] Atlenohen Looking at git log the repo never updated past commit123, somehow the developer (who had a lot of VS bugs, etc) managed to get a file in from a higher commit, which now messes up diffs, will a rebase fix this?
+ [2019-10-29T18:40:42Z] Atlenohen The repo started out with commit123 and for some reason it has a few changes from commit130 ... the upstream master is on commit250, but when comparing those rougue changes are included in the comparison, so it's showing that it's removing what's already been removed.
+ [2019-10-29T18:38:38Z] Atlenohen Why does github diff compare forks to the upstream master in a weird way?
+ [2019-10-29T17:43:39Z] Atlenohen✓&q=is%3Apr+is%3Amerged
+ [2019-10-29T17:41:45Z] Atlenohen jhass:
+ [2019-10-29T15:25:34Z] Atlenohen Does github not show merged commits instantly, I can't find the most recent ones when viewing in the interface, only if I specifically search for it
+ [2019-10-28T12:43:16Z] Atlenohen Hmm, direct links to diff changes in comparison links don't seem to work, always throws out the main commits page
+ [2019-10-28T11:23:48Z] Atlenohen A note such as "This file is not included in the project's build configuration" or something. Cool right!!!
+ [2019-10-28T11:23:19Z] Atlenohen Github feature suggestion: Support for analyzing project build configuration files and use them to show additional information on the web interface. The files that are present in the repo, but are not included in the project's build configuration, ignored from compiling, should be labeled as such in the Github web interface, the file noted with a text and or different color border.
+ [2019-10-26T10:02:16Z] Atlenohen
+ [2019-10-26T10:02:12Z] Atlenohen github hyperlinks aren't working for changes, it throws onto the generic commits page
+ [2019-10-14T21:39:01Z] Atlenohen I think "Releases" should be moved to the upper menu bar, I think it feels out of place that it is inside CODE alongside tags, commits, I know it technically may make sense, but from user experience it's not so handy and quickly noticable location
+ [2019-09-29T11:16:22Z] Atlenohen Github should have some kind of automatic fork rebasing feature which would rebase the fork when upstream is updated simultaneously, and report each issues/conflicts that need to be sorted out manually, per commit
+ [2019-07-06T23:41:35Z] Atlenohen so I clicked on Related Issued BETA, how do I get out of the beta, settings or I need to edit cookies?