latest 17 messages by Azelphur

+ [2015-01-13T18:36:41Z] Azelphur yup I did, thanks :)
+ [2015-01-13T18:36:06Z] Azelphur Seveas: and then just push origin master?
+ [2015-01-13T18:32:58Z] Azelphur git fetch origin refs/pull/16/:leomiov-recipient-type | fatal: Invalid refspec 'refs/pull/16/:leomiov-recipient-type'
+ [2015-01-13T18:31:37Z] Azelphur so git fetch origin refs/pull/16/head...what's some-pull-request?
+ [2015-01-13T18:30:12Z] Azelphur this means I'm going to actually have to rtfm about git :(
+ [2015-01-13T18:27:19Z] Azelphur Hey folks, someone submitted a PR to my project ( ) I like one of the changes (add recipient type) but not the other (delete cmd file) can I take one change but not the other? or do I have to get him to submit a new PR?
+ [2014-12-13T01:47:28Z] Azelphur sweet, thanks :)
+ [2014-12-12T23:46:50Z] Azelphur I just got added to a large organisation, but I don't want 500 emails/day
+ [2014-12-12T23:46:26Z] Azelphur Is there any way to turn off email notifications for a repository?
+ [2014-11-03T15:48:31Z] Azelphur faylite: perfect, thanks :)
+ [2014-11-03T15:39:33Z] Azelphur faylite: where it scans your code and tells you what language its in for the purposes of search
+ [2014-11-03T15:36:41Z] Azelphur Is there any way to get a list of languages github supports for it's code scanning?