latest 6 messages by BlindWiz

+ [2015-06-18T21:48:31Z] BlindWiz when I clone each project, it creates its own directory for each project. my concern if I am in dir1, and I work in there for a bit, then I git add... and git comit with in that dir it will not upload the other dirs in my main githubdir to that repo?
+ [2015-06-18T21:46:29Z] BlindWiz I have a question. I have multiple repos on github. now, I Have a directory called githubdir. if I 'git init' in githubdir, that makes my dir ready. Can I clone only one project into githubdir, or can I clone all three projects into that directory?
+ [2015-05-04T05:17:52Z] BlindWiz hello all, I am really new to github. I use git on my local machine. A new organization I am working with opened a repo for me to push some code to. I can't seem to figure out what to do. is the repo. I don't know how to connect to it via my git client. I use command line git.
+ [2015-05-04T05:11:12Z] BlindWiz I feel stupid as I know it is something am doing wrong
+ [2015-05-04T05:10:31Z] BlindWiz hello all, I am really new to github. I use git on my local machine. A new organization I am working with opened a repo for me to push some code to. I can't seem to figure out what to do. is the repo. I don't know how to connect to it via my git client. I use command line git.