latest 7 messages by Bowbles_

+ [2013-05-28T02:56:21Z] Bowbles_ texasmynsted: i actually just ended up making my own really simple deploy script
+ [2013-05-28T00:39:01Z] Bowbles_ texasmynsted: not really, i switched to a cloned repo and am hitting other issues with changes not being picked up
+ [2013-05-27T22:11:59Z] Bowbles_ Good idea
+ [2013-05-27T21:51:51Z] Bowbles_ I would confirm with someone more experienced than I
+ [2013-05-27T21:51:35Z] Bowbles_ (But I am a total git newb so take it with a grain of salt
+ [2013-05-27T21:50:03Z] Bowbles_ Testing indicates that local customizations are ignored
+ [2013-05-27T21:40:34Z] Bowbles_ If I installed a theme as a submodule, and then push to heroku, would the theme be redownloaded by the dynamo every time? Or would my customizations apply?