latest 20 messages by Bretos

+ [2014-07-21T19:11:05Z] Bretos like gem update --system or something?
+ [2014-07-21T19:10:54Z] Bretos If I have installed jekyll through gems, can I upgrade it also by gems?
+ [2014-07-20T11:59:53Z] Bretos and there is a blank dot
+ [2014-07-20T11:59:49Z] Bretos Pandemic_Force: now it's copy-paste from stack overflow
+ [2014-07-20T11:58:58Z] Bretos but, moment, I'll add it
+ [2014-07-20T11:58:54Z] Bretos yeah
+ [2014-07-20T11:58:52Z] Bretos oh
+ [2014-07-20T11:58:41Z] Bretos Pandemic_Force: but... where?
+ [2014-07-20T11:43:34Z] Bretos but it makes an empty dot, look here:
+ [2014-07-20T11:42:33Z] Bretos I'm preparing a paste right now
+ [2014-07-20T11:42:12Z] Bretos something breaks
+ [2014-07-20T11:41:54Z] Bretos Pandemic_Force: funny you should say
+ [2014-07-20T11:12:45Z] Bretos is there a simple way to achieve such a feature?
+ [2014-07-20T11:12:37Z] Bretos I am looking for a way to list categories, and by clicking on a category one can see all posts in this categorr
+ [2014-07-20T11:12:22Z] Bretos hello guys!
+ [2014-07-20T11:12:19Z] Bretos okay
+ [2014-07-18T18:27:41Z] Bretos is it possible for jekyll to watch for changes also in _config?
+ [2014-07-18T11:15:03Z] Bretos thanks anyway guys! ;-)
+ [2014-07-18T11:14:58Z] Bretos nevermind, I have already fixed that by removing <p></p> html markups on last line before <!--more--> after exporting from wordpress
+ [2014-07-18T11:01:13Z] Bretos how can I fix this?