latest 20 messages by Briareos1

+ [2013-10-10T12:14:04Z] Briareos1 see:
+ [2013-10-10T12:14:04Z] Briareos1 My gem ships a JS file - but how can I make it available to the program?
+ [2013-09-22T20:05:19Z] Briareos1 thanks to pry i found that this works: context.registers[:site].config['author']
+ [2013-09-22T19:57:57Z] Briareos1 besides that context.registers.config as outlined in the docs fails :)
+ [2013-09-22T19:56:38Z] Briareos1 ah ok the context is passed to render ( def render(context) ), but i omitted passing it to my sub method :)
+ [2013-09-22T19:45:12Z] Briareos1 class InsideManTag < Liquid::Tag; # code referring to site fails # ; end
+ [2013-09-22T19:44:16Z] Briareos1 pontiki: in a custom plugin no
+ [2013-09-22T19:41:01Z] Briareos1 but i am still missing the correct syntax
+ [2013-09-22T19:40:23Z] Briareos1 so far i tound: Jekyll lets you access the site object through the context.registers feature of Liquid. For example, you can access the global configuration file _config.yml using context.registers.config.
+ [2013-09-22T19:40:17Z] Briareos1 not in a plugin :)
+ [2013-09-22T19:38:14Z] Briareos1 i am writing a custom tag. how can i get a value from a _config.yml entry
+ [2013-08-08T17:21:56Z] Briareos1 jaybe: any idea where i could find more info on creating site vars on the fly? ... hmm maybe the basic assignment via the command I fail to remember would work ...
+ [2013-08-08T16:43:06Z] Briareos1 jaybe:
+ [2013-08-08T16:36:53Z] Briareos1 jaybe: I'll init & push it. mom
+ [2013-08-08T16:34:31Z] Briareos1 the plugin is already implemented - just missing this piece of the puzzle in order to lower network traffic
+ [2013-08-08T16:31:35Z] Briareos1 that'd be what I'm looking for
+ [2013-08-08T16:31:07Z] Briareos1 is there some global var that will hold custom info for the whole lifetime of one build?
+ [2013-08-08T16:29:49Z] Briareos1 jaybe: thing is: how can I have the var survive until the next time the tag is called?