latest 20 messages by BullHorn

+ [2015-05-16T01:19:10Z] BullHorn i have to git push origin master
+ [2015-05-16T01:18:51Z] BullHorn i first fetched acemode/ace3 into my local drive
+ [2015-05-16T01:13:48Z] BullHorn well its not working ._.
+ [2015-05-16T01:09:47Z] BullHorn why is fetch empty?
+ [2015-05-16T01:08:49Z] BullHorn to avoid headaches
+ [2015-05-16T01:08:38Z] BullHorn
+ [2015-05-16T01:07:56Z] BullHorn ok, understood. thanks. ill continue with the tutorial
+ [2015-05-16T01:06:21Z] BullHorn
+ [2015-05-16T01:04:56Z] BullHorn does it matter?
+ [2015-05-16T01:04:51Z] BullHorn i already have the ace3 repo, but its called acemod, not upstream
+ [2015-05-16T01:04:41Z] BullHorn wait, before i make upstream
+ [2015-05-16T01:04:27Z] BullHorn terminology... confusing ;x
+ [2015-05-16T01:04:17Z] BullHorn thats the repo i forked from
+ [2015-05-16T01:04:06Z] BullHorn it tells me to set the main original repo as the upstream
+ [2015-05-16T01:03:53Z] BullHorn the guide first sends me to get stuff done ( )
+ [2015-05-16T01:03:20Z] BullHorn confused a little with 'upstream'