latest 17 messages by Bushman

+ [2019-03-21T01:30:30Z] Bushman have a nice day everyone. bye :)
+ [2019-03-21T01:29:56Z] Bushman yup. it was just a matter of a fancy feature of the website that i had no memory of existing and probably agreeing to years ago XD
+ [2019-03-21T01:29:00Z] Bushman i just created it few minutes ago
+ [2019-03-21T01:28:49Z] Bushman why would you need that? it's a brand new account, completely empty
+ [2019-03-21T01:28:04Z] Bushman you want my username?
+ [2019-03-21T01:27:54Z] Bushman nedbat: what do you mean by "show"?
+ [2019-03-21T01:27:31Z] Bushman anyway... the situation has be resolved. :)
+ [2019-03-21T01:26:07Z] Bushman no, not commits... like a user account on the github website
+ [2019-03-21T01:25:41Z] Bushman same thing.
+ [2019-03-21T01:25:19Z] Bushman
+ [2019-03-21T01:24:53Z] Bushman but it's ok now, turns out there's a thing called gravatar... it's related to wordpress where i do have an account with the same username
+ [2019-03-21T01:24:27Z] Bushman just a regular github account
+ [2019-03-21T01:12:51Z] Bushman because i'm both, confused and a bit scared.
+ [2019-03-21T01:12:16Z] Bushman now, is there anyone here who would like to try and speculate on how the hell did GitHub get my own personal avatar auto-magically in this brand new account?
+ [2019-03-21T01:11:03Z] Bushman so i created a new account.
+ [2019-03-21T01:10:50Z] Bushman i could not find any of my email to be associated with github account...
+ [2019-03-21T01:09:58Z] Bushman hello everyone