latest 20 messages by CaptainRant

+ [2015-07-25T10:39:49Z] CaptainRant So the ordering, etc. of the files must be the same.
+ [2015-07-25T10:39:26Z] CaptainRant The thing is, i want to get the zip files exact checksum, so it matches the one provided by github.
+ [2015-07-25T10:37:54Z] CaptainRant How does github generate a .zip archive from tags/releases? I want to reproduce the exact zipfile without going trough github.
+ [2014-12-15T17:06:04Z] CaptainRant Does github provide any image sharing service? Having screenshots/previews ghosting around in my commit history sucks.
+ [2014-12-05T02:19:20Z] CaptainRant My only concern would be the users, which may pull from the repo.
+ [2014-12-05T02:18:18Z] CaptainRant Is there a way to purge binaries from the history? I have lots of screenshots in it, which i would like to get rid of. Is there a safe way to get rid of them?
+ [2014-10-26T09:25:54Z] CaptainRant What should a programming language fullfill, to get its own color in the language statistic?
+ [2014-10-17T13:01:30Z] CaptainRant What a crap. I must verify the student mail to use it, but to quote the verification mail: "Verifying this address will let you receive notifications and password resets from GitHub"
+ [2014-10-17T12:35:34Z] CaptainRant Meh, i can't find much informations about what the primary mail is usefull for.
+ [2014-10-17T12:18:04Z] CaptainRant Nevik_: i also hope this, because our student mail system are a security hole in themeself.
+ [2014-10-17T12:17:06Z] CaptainRant Can i reset my password using the non-primary mail address ?
+ [2014-10-17T12:10:57Z] CaptainRant Good. Will it add up to my contribution graph. Thanks for all.
+ [2014-10-17T12:05:38Z] CaptainRant Will private repos be listed anywhere ?
+ [2014-10-17T12:00:23Z] CaptainRant If i create a private repo with a student account, how are the restrictions about who can contribute ?
+ [2014-09-17T19:26:14Z] CaptainRant Thanks :D I just wanted to avoid spamming my commit list with tries
+ [2014-09-17T19:21:10Z] CaptainRant Is it normal, that GFM doesn't highlight shell/bash snippets ?
+ [2014-07-25T02:20:36Z] CaptainRant Even if there is no passwd field.
+ [2014-07-25T02:20:29Z] CaptainRant Is it normal, that just browsing the settings causes firefox to access the passwords ?