latest 20 messages by ChargedLight

+ [2015-11-06T00:31:45Z] ChargedLight and if i try to checkout to another branch, i'm getting: error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
+ [2015-11-06T00:31:39Z] ChargedLight Hello. I was working and making changes while i was in branch master. Now i have several changes already done, but not commited yet. I don't want to push them directly to master. I want to create another branch, commit and push these changes to that branch and to github and then create a pull request to master. How can i now move my changes from master to new branch?
+ [2015-09-23T15:15:39Z] ChargedLight missed .gitignore in repo, fixed
+ [2015-09-23T15:11:27Z] ChargedLight i've done "npm install" in my folder, but git status don't show node_modules files as untracked files. why?
+ [2015-09-23T13:08:46Z] ChargedLight Hi. I'm trying to install a library from my github repo (i've forked it) via npm. I'm trying "npm install git+" but getting "Invalid version" error. What could be wrong?
+ [2015-09-22T11:05:26Z] ChargedLight hmm, ok and how should i use it after? I mean i've installed original one via npm. How should i install forked one?
+ [2015-09-22T11:04:04Z] ChargedLight oh, so i should fork original lib, and change package.json there?
+ [2015-09-22T11:01:35Z] ChargedLight _rgn, Ok, i've forked library, made changes, pushed it to github, then edited package.json of the original lib to the following: "dnd-core": "", saved it, then ran "npm update --save", but nothing was changed. I still don't see my changes.
+ [2015-09-22T10:38:55Z] ChargedLight Impaloo, that should be done in case if i will make changes to my fork? I'm pretty sure i will not change anything else
+ [2015-09-22T10:28:10Z] ChargedLight _rgn: thank you for your help!
+ [2015-09-22T10:27:28Z] ChargedLight change dnd-core's value to "yourgithubusername/dnd-core" - i should do that in original lib's pacakge.json, right?
+ [2015-09-22T10:26:51Z] ChargedLight oh, sounds like what i need
+ [2015-09-22T10:25:04Z] ChargedLight ok, still don't have complete to-do in my head: 1) I fork original library 2) i fork dnd-core 3) i make my changes to dnd-core 4) how should i make original library use my forked version of dnd-core now?
+ [2015-09-22T10:23:37Z] ChargedLight not a newer version, i just need to appy some minor changes to make it work how i want