latest 10 messages by CheckeredMichael

+ [2014-01-30T19:40:12Z] CheckeredMichael I'll have to give that a go as it would make things a bit easier
+ [2014-01-30T19:28:21Z] CheckeredMichael Now I know Windows is the worst for development purposes. :p
+ [2014-01-30T19:27:23Z] CheckeredMichael I've never had to use a VM, just always stuck with Windows as it is. It can get annoying at times, but there's always information on someone else's struggle and solution lol
+ [2014-01-30T19:26:23Z] CheckeredMichael Ah fair enough, that's one thing I've never considered about OSX. Always thought it wasn't as good as Windows for development, but that makes sense.
+ [2014-01-30T19:17:04Z] CheckeredMichael Ha fair enough, what would you recommend for development then?
+ [2014-01-30T19:06:32Z] CheckeredMichael Thing is, I've installed Ubuntu several times and always come back to Windows :/
+ [2014-01-30T19:05:08Z] CheckeredMichael Yeah it can be for development purposes :p
+ [2014-01-30T19:04:07Z] CheckeredMichael I've just installed it on Windows and I just want to say that even though I'm happy I got it working, it was a bit of a pain...
+ [2014-01-30T18:04:44Z] CheckeredMichael Hi all, just started on IRC and about to try out Jekyll so thought I would give both a go at the same time :)