latest 20 messages by Chocolate_Chip

+ [2015-09-22T01:37:23Z] Chocolate_Chip Someone tell me what to do please. This si urgent
+ [2015-09-22T01:37:16Z] Chocolate_Chip Aborting commit due to empty commit message.
+ [2015-09-22T01:27:07Z] Chocolate_Chip It's kinda urgent as I pushed my other changes already
+ [2015-09-22T01:26:19Z] Chocolate_Chip I triued uploading new folders through git push, but it didn't work
+ [2015-09-16T03:20:40Z] Chocolate_Chip Impaloo, how do I add an extended explination to what I did to the code
+ [2015-09-16T02:57:52Z] Chocolate_Chip Also it says it commited the changes, but I see no differnece on the web page