latest 19 messages by CodyKo

+ [2015-05-16T11:19:20Z] CodyKo But I couldn't seem to get it to pick it up no matter what I used...
+ [2015-05-16T11:19:09Z] CodyKo What I'm trying to do is, I have a folder structure like _posts/comedy, and _posts/comedy/video. Under those I have my *.md files. I was using the same front-matter for all the stuff under comedy, and then others under comedy_video. So I wanted to set them once using the default... stuff like the type: post (or type: video, which is supported by my theme), and author:, category: etc.
+ [2015-05-16T11:15:11Z] CodyKo Also in current versions of jekyll do all ... things ... without a type: default to posts?
+ [2015-05-16T11:14:06Z] CodyKo Or does it not work that way?
+ [2015-05-16T11:14:00Z] CodyKo So it would then apply to _posts/comedy/* and everything underneath that?
+ [2015-05-16T11:13:44Z] CodyKo What kind of path does it take? If I have a subdirectory in _posts like "comedy", is the path: "_posts/comedy"
+ [2015-05-16T11:13:22Z] CodyKo With the scope/path/type/values/etc.
+ [2015-05-16T11:13:13Z] CodyKo I'm trying to use the _config.yml default section.
+ [2015-05-11T17:04:05Z] CodyKo But I was wondering if there's anything else standard people do.
+ [2015-05-11T17:03:58Z] CodyKo I guess I'd have to use css to fix that
+ [2015-05-11T17:03:52Z] CodyKo I tried using a <pre> block but... it doesn't fixed width font it or anything
+ [2015-05-11T17:03:38Z] CodyKo When using Jekyll and Pygments to format some code... is there a good practice for how I present the output underneath it?
+ [2015-05-11T15:36:23Z] CodyKo Ok I think I've got it thanks
+ [2015-05-11T15:32:14Z] CodyKo So it's a bit confusing.
+ [2015-05-11T15:32:11Z] CodyKo Just wondering because the default site it creates... doesn't have a _site folder. But it does have _config.yml in the root.
+ [2015-05-11T15:31:52Z] CodyKo When you push to github do you push everything, or just the _site folder?
+ [2015-05-11T15:13:13Z] CodyKo What do people usually do with... the rest of the stuff. Do they create a different project to hold the source files? I mean, the stuff they build from.
+ [2015-05-11T15:12:49Z] CodyKo I've started using Jekyll locally and want to push it up to my web provider / custom domain. I also read the page on using GitHub user page to do this. To get this all going... is it right that I'd only send the contents of the _site folder to GitHub, and that's also what I'd pull to the public_html folder of my site?
+ [2015-05-11T15:11:30Z] CodyKo I have an extremely stupid beginner question.