latest 7 messages by CraigEr

+ [2020-07-16T10:19:58Z] CraigEr oh, they left
+ [2020-07-16T10:19:48Z] CraigEr I can't find a button in the UI, but in what way is desktop mode not working? What happens if you go direct to
+ [2020-07-15T13:23:04Z] CraigEr no worries!
+ [2020-07-15T12:58:03Z] CraigEr If it's a line of code, just commit to the same branch and your PR will update
+ [2020-07-15T12:57:17Z] CraigEr What do you want to adjust about it?
+ [2019-06-20T12:04:46Z] CraigEr Specifically
+ [2019-06-20T11:59:34Z] CraigEr I think you've left joanna89, but for anyone else, you're looking for: