latest 20 messages by Crhis

+ [2013-10-07T14:34:02Z] Crhis sorting by "path" works just fine
+ [2013-10-07T14:33:47Z] Crhis problem was sorting by "name"
+ [2013-10-07T14:33:39Z] Crhis OK *now* it works
+ [2013-10-07T14:09:50Z] Crhis still, closer
+ [2013-10-07T14:09:47Z] Crhis haha
+ [2013-10-07T14:09:46Z] Crhis oh no it doesn't, they're not sorted!
+ [2013-10-07T14:09:09Z] Crhis - works fine except it creates a dummy index.html space at the top, easy enough to fix that though
+ [2013-10-07T14:08:10Z] Crhis without much of a change, huh
+ [2013-10-07T14:08:00Z] Crhis working!
+ [2013-10-07T14:00:40Z] Crhis Jekyll man, s'not just for blogs
+ [2013-10-07T14:00:28Z] Crhis the index just shows all the shows that exist, but it's not much of a pain because it doesn't really get used much/at all by me, just nice to have to share with family/friends if they're watching different shows
+ [2013-10-07T13:58:55Z] Crhis So I put them all there in one quick fire * 2x13 [Title](link) and I'm spoiler free and with a handy reference guide!
+ [2013-10-07T13:58:10Z] Crhis :D
+ [2013-10-07T13:58:05Z] Crhis so I was going to that section of his website and it was a 'spoiler' that whatever character was shown in the image for 2x13 or whatever was at least still alive
+ [2013-10-07T13:57:32Z] Crhis I got in to reading recaps of tv shows, but the recapper I like to read posts stuff in reverse order with images
+ [2013-10-07T13:56:54Z] Crhis
+ [2013-10-07T13:56:50Z] Crhis want to see what the site does btw?
+ [2013-10-07T13:56:41Z] Crhis sure
+ [2013-10-07T13:56:17Z] Crhis and not time sensitive for me to worry about either
+ [2013-10-07T13:56:04Z] Crhis yup, its fine