latest 6 messages by D-Chymera

+ [2013-09-27T19:56:21Z] D-Chymera is my query clearer now?
+ [2013-09-27T19:56:16Z] D-Chymera pontiki: imagine a document you write up as a .reST file and version it on github. All clear up untill now? Great, then you go to your blog (wordpress whatever) and make a new post. All clear up until here? Then instead of writing anything in the blog post you reference your repository ~somehow. All clear up until now? And instead of just printing the reference as a link, the blog SHOWS the reader the latest version of your .reST document
+ [2013-09-27T15:05:45Z] D-Chymera no, I don't (necessarily) want the publishing date of my posts to be updated - though it would eb great to add a notice like: you are reading the most current revision (and then maybe list the hash). Will your suggestions automatically show the latest content from (say) github - or do I need to make my CMS manually aware that there has been an update?
+ [2013-09-27T13:23:46Z] D-Chymera no, if someone reads my blog I would like him to be presented with the most up-to-date version of every post - automatically. Even if the post is from 2010 and the last edit is from 2013
+ [2013-09-27T13:02:05Z] D-Chymera jaybe: no, I am hinking of updating my articles according to feedback and always providing only the ewest version on the blog. To avoid confusion I would version the article as a .rest document over git so that people can see what it contained when
+ [2013-09-27T02:43:10Z] D-Chymera hello everybody - is there any way to make a blog always display the most recent version of an article? I am thinking of versioning my articles as html or reST with git and publishing them either on my own server or on github, from where wordpress/whatever CMS could pull them. I am gathering jeckyll does something similar. Is there any somewhat simple way of doing this with/without jeckyll?