latest 20 messages by DANtheBEASTman

+ [2016-12-08T21:01:49Z] DANtheBEASTman is there a way to give someone access to add labels to issues, without giving them write access to the repo or anything else?
+ [2016-05-15T23:31:19Z] DANtheBEASTman any ideas why {{% for tag in post.tags %}}<li><a href="{{ BASE_URL }}/tags/{{ }}">{{ }}</a></li>{{% endfor %} returns an empty <li>, while {{ post.tags | array_to_sentence_string }} returns the expected output?
+ [2016-05-07T23:35:52Z] DANtheBEASTman and without manually creating each category page
+ [2016-05-07T23:35:34Z] DANtheBEASTman google is failing me here, i'm using gh-pages, and i'd like to create pages for each category. my permalink style is /:categories/:title so i'd like for each category to have it's own index.. is this possible without plugins?
+ [2016-04-14T21:56:17Z] DANtheBEASTman thanks for helping me rubber-duck lol
+ [2016-04-14T21:55:52Z] DANtheBEASTman doh that's what i get for copy and pasting without actually reading... was doing {% for post in paginator.posts %} ... <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ post.url }}"> ...
+ [2016-04-14T21:52:57Z] DANtheBEASTman hmm it might be something to do with the index.html or layout.html...
+ [2016-04-14T21:46:59Z] DANtheBEASTman
+ [2016-04-14T21:45:03Z] DANtheBEASTman commenting out both url options doesn't help any either..
+ [2016-04-14T21:43:32Z] DANtheBEASTman miklb: hmm.. well, baseurl is empty..
+ [2016-04-14T21:34:46Z] DANtheBEASTman oh, also using permalink: /:categories/:title but removing the first / doesn't seem to have any effect
+ [2016-04-14T21:31:34Z] DANtheBEASTman i'm using baseurl: '' and url: 'http://localhost:3000' in my _config.yml, when I launch jekyll --serve all the links get generated as <a href="//category/title"> where is that extra slash coming from and how to I remove it?
+ [2015-08-06T05:04:32Z] DANtheBEASTman for sure, i just want to minimize the amount of manual work
+ [2015-08-06T05:00:29Z] DANtheBEASTman or i could be a smart person and maintain separate branches..
+ [2015-08-06T04:52:11Z] DANtheBEASTman sure i could make it myself but that kinda defeats the purpose of generators doesn't it? but you're saying I'd need a plugin for that? i've been debating on pushing the static output of pages instead of the templating code, but it makes more sense to me to keep the templates under vcs rather than the output.. so i feel conflicted on that