latest 10 messages by DanDare

+ [2019-10-11T02:40:00Z] DanDare hmm this seems to be
+ [2019-10-11T02:36:43Z] DanDare like .gitignore or info/exclude but with exceptions
+ [2019-10-11T02:36:05Z] DanDare Hi. it's possible to ignore a folder with all subfolders but excluding from ignore a specific path inside the folder?
+ [2019-06-29T20:16:01Z] DanDare Yeah but I think people following you will receive stuff regardless, not sure thought
+ [2019-06-29T20:15:04Z] DanDare Also Im trying stuff that requires permissions to my account and im not really confident about it atm
+ [2019-06-29T20:13:26Z] DanDare Point is not any project, just want test drive some stuf
+ [2019-06-29T20:09:55Z] DanDare Infininight, yeah this should work.. thanks. Well I just created a new github account
+ [2019-06-29T20:02:03Z] DanDare Ok, thanks :)
+ [2019-06-29T19:51:06Z] DanDare Hi. It's possible to set a repository to not generate notifications for other people following me? Let's say I want create a repo for testing purposes and dont want start flooding others with notifications