latest 20 messages by Darknet

+ [2014-11-17T21:57:21Z] Darknet im on Centos 6.5 freshly installed from digitalocean, i think i wiped it 10 times in the last week, trying to setup something.
+ [2014-11-17T21:56:53Z] Darknet i just want a nice blog engine.
+ [2014-11-17T21:56:47Z] Darknet bret: :(
+ [2014-11-17T17:20:48Z] Darknet so im here.
+ [2014-11-17T17:20:45Z] Darknet i want to start my own blog, on my server. and i want to have a working email mailbox with roundcube. i know roundcube is not here, i can deal with that. but someone i know online told me that jerkyll is the BEST engine i could ever dream of.
+ [2014-11-17T17:19:58Z] Darknet i am trying to install this blog engine. nothing else.
+ [2014-11-17T17:17:38Z] Darknet this is the errors i got. there is something wrong again :(
+ [2014-11-17T17:17:26Z] Darknet
+ [2014-11-17T17:14:19Z] Darknet its exactly like i said. This is too complicated for no reasons.
+ [2014-11-17T17:14:03Z] Darknet i guess we don't understand eachother..
+ [2014-11-17T17:13:21Z] Darknet but, i want to have it in my /www/ folder so my main domain is hosting the blog engine
+ [2014-11-17T17:09:51Z] Darknet It would be nice to have a tutorial on how to set it up, but a proper one for different distros. because right now, its way tooo general for regular users who are not tek savvy.
+ [2014-11-17T16:59:24Z] Darknet Linux 2.6.32-431. #1 SMP Fri Dec 13 13:06:13 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
+ [2014-11-17T16:59:22Z] Darknet i think..
+ [2014-11-17T16:54:25Z] Darknet i took a step back for the weekend lol
+ [2014-11-17T16:54:14Z] Darknet jaybe: centos 6.5
+ [2014-11-16T19:14:16Z] Darknet who the hell makes the INSTALL guides here, he should be fucking fired right now because he sucks balls.
+ [2014-11-16T19:13:34Z] Darknet WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO STUPID TO SETUP!!! %#$%@#&*$(%$*&!~!@&*(*%&#@^!^&@*&(#*)O&J@^H&%UNMDBx