latest 12 messages by Dazzyp

+ [2017-01-10T19:14:03Z] Dazzyp thunder0111 I recommend you try #puppylinux
+ [2017-01-10T19:11:53Z] Dazzyp thunder0111 start here
+ [2015-04-20T22:38:40Z] Dazzyp let's hope it's not another DDoS or I'll be so mad T_T
+ [2015-04-20T22:36:54Z] Dazzyp wondered what I had done to make Jenkins hate me so he wouldn't even try
+ [2015-04-20T22:36:22Z] Dazzyp oh lol I was just sooo frustrated because I couldn't figure out why stuff wouldn't work. Looked here and I see it's githubs fault and not mine :D
+ [2015-04-14T09:27:49Z] Dazzyp thank you again canton7. I did not know such a thing was available but will make a point of reading it as soon as I have the time for it :)
+ [2015-04-14T09:17:04Z] Dazzyp I should really sit down someweek and learn all these amazing things you can do with github
+ [2015-04-14T09:13:44Z] Dazzyp canton7 so if I do "git push origin HEAD" it'll work? That sounds amazing :D
+ [2015-04-14T09:09:24Z] Dazzyp I have a lot of branches going at once, is there some shortcut I can use to issue a command like "git push origin 'this branch'" rather than printing out the branchname every time?
+ [2015-04-12T22:24:06Z] Dazzyp !backup
+ [2015-03-27T13:15:19Z] Dazzyp hm did the DDoSing intensify again? Can't push stuff :(
+ [2015-03-27T08:28:03Z] Dazzyp grumbles about DDOS attacks and express general hate towards people performing such things