latest 11 messages by DevAntoine

+ [2016-11-18T16:52:31Z] DevAntoine how can I include the syntax highlighting css when not using the default theme?
+ [2016-11-18T13:33:41Z] DevAntoine jaybe: that's confusing at first!
+ [2016-11-18T13:31:57Z] DevAntoine jaybe: got it, I had and index.html and both were interacting in a weird way. After deleting everything is fine now
+ [2016-11-18T12:30:59Z] DevAntoine I've got an index.html file at the root of my project using this layout. Whatever I put in it it's not taken into account. I just see the list of posts
+ [2016-11-18T12:30:23Z] DevAntoine so, I have a default layout called default.html in _layouts. It has the {{ content }} tag in it
+ [2016-08-04T13:48:52Z] DevAntoine related question: is it possible to list all the commits of a tag?
+ [2016-08-04T13:46:56Z] DevAntoine yeah, in the "releases" tab
+ [2016-08-04T13:46:27Z] DevAntoine is it possible to know when a tag as been pushed?