latest 19 messages by DolphinDream

+ [2017-02-02T18:31:20Z] DolphinDream tobiasvl: so .. what if the reviewer only wants to integrate commit1 but not commit2 on the same branch for which was issued a pull request when commit1 was the only one on that branch. can the reviewer pull only commit1 but not commit2?
+ [2017-02-02T18:01:32Z] DolphinDream if i did a pull request for a branch i have one commit to be pulled.. and the pull request was not reviewed/accepted yet and i have another commit pushed into the same branch that I also want to be pulled together with the first one. What do i have to do? It looks like the previous pull requests lists my second commit to that branch as well. Will the granted pull request pull both commits or do i have to make a separate pull reques
+ [2017-02-02T16:56:36Z] DolphinDream i forked a repo.. made changes to master, made a pull request which was accepted (merged into the origina repo).. what do i do next with my forked repo (considering i'm still developing and plan to make more pull requests). Do I pull the merged changes from the original repo in to my forked repo ?
+ [2016-02-26T17:00:04Z] DolphinDream how is pull request being handled withing github when you have multiple people making separate pull requests. would the second requester have to rebase their changes and make another pull request after the first pull request is integrated
+ [2015-11-20T16:47:56Z] DolphinDream eh.. sorry but i have to use bitbucket for these then
+ [2015-11-20T16:25:51Z] DolphinDream did github ever had private repos for the free account ?
+ [2015-11-19T16:57:34Z] DolphinDream or.. perhaps add: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
+ [2015-11-19T16:56:11Z] DolphinDream do i need to set any of these shannanigans ? git config --global credential.helper cache ?
+ [2015-11-19T16:54:48Z] DolphinDream Seveas, do you know why i'm being asked about the passphrase even though i had that added to my keychain ?
+ [2015-11-19T16:52:16Z] DolphinDream so all in need is to update the remote URL to use the ssh
+ [2015-11-19T16:51:11Z] DolphinDream oh.. i have to clone via ssh
+ [2015-11-19T16:49:58Z] DolphinDream i cloned from an https and the remote -v lists https URL
+ [2015-11-19T16:44:05Z] DolphinDream why is github asking me for a username to push (even though i added a pub ssh key?)