latest 20 messages by DoomBoom

+ [2016-02-27T14:48:38Z] DoomBoom alright it just works as expected
+ [2016-02-27T14:46:57Z] DoomBoom let's see what happens if I just change it back
+ [2016-02-27T14:46:46Z] DoomBoom wait, derp, jekyll-import did that.
+ [2016-02-27T14:36:59Z] DoomBoom I don't want it to convert Chinese characters into e4-b8-96-e7-95-8c-e4-b9-8b-e7-aa-97
+ [2016-02-27T14:36:38Z] DoomBoom is there a way I can make my :title permalink unicode-friendly?
+ [2016-02-21T21:55:26Z] DoomBoom I'm just doing this for my own blog I host at some hosting company thing
+ [2016-02-21T21:55:12Z] DoomBoom I don't really know much about Github pages or bundle, sorry
+ [2016-02-21T21:48:19Z] DoomBoom bye osfameron
+ [2016-02-21T21:47:44Z] DoomBoom which is actually why I decided not to use Hexo
+ [2016-02-21T21:47:26Z] DoomBoom which just barfs up huge disgusting errors when something goes wrong
+ [2016-02-21T21:47:16Z] DoomBoom not like npm
+ [2016-02-21T21:47:11Z] DoomBoom I found the error messages from gem were quite nice
+ [2016-02-21T21:45:40Z] DoomBoom that was it for me at least
+ [2016-02-21T21:45:36Z] DoomBoom I had that error today as well, you should install ruby2.0-dev as well(apt-get) and instead of using "gem install ..." you need to use "gem2.0 install ..."
+ [2016-02-21T21:40:06Z] DoomBoom deniz946, this probably
+ [2016-02-21T21:39:24Z] DoomBoom I think Github has documentation on that
+ [2016-02-21T21:38:41Z] DoomBoom then if you did "jekyll serve" and go to "localhost:4000" in your browser you'll see the example website, which has some tips on where to start editing
+ [2016-02-21T21:38:06Z] DoomBoom then follow the quick-start instructions
+ [2016-02-21T21:37:23Z] DoomBoom I guess you need to apt-get install ruby2.0