latest 12 messages by Dorf

+ [2016-05-07T02:14:40Z] Dorf i just upgraded to ubuntu 16 and now i'm getting this error /usr/local/bin/jekyll: bad interpreter: /usr/bin/ruby2.1: no such file or directory
+ [2015-06-30T21:15:33Z] Dorf $(...).function is not a function
+ [2015-06-30T21:14:09Z] Dorf the error is that it can't find the function
+ [2015-06-30T21:14:01Z] Dorf i created a separate page, but i wanted it to have the page wrapper so i threw the jekyll header in
+ [2015-06-30T21:12:42Z] Dorf no. i have a file that i'm getting a console error even though i _know_ the file is there
+ [2015-06-30T21:11:11Z] Dorf that's the jekyll way?
+ [2015-06-30T21:09:43Z] Dorf how do you add external js files to a page?
+ [2015-04-26T01:20:37Z] Dorf got a question about linking using jekyll. i've been using (Site Name)[] but it seems to be referring to what's the proper syntax?
+ [2015-03-07T23:55:35Z] Dorf i also can't get my styles to compile
+ [2015-03-07T23:05:10Z] Dorf any suggestions?
+ [2015-03-07T22:56:22Z] Dorf i'm using the minimal mistakes theme
+ [2015-03-07T22:56:12Z] Dorf i have different categories in place for different types, but everything is showing up in every category