latest 10 messages by Drone4four

+ [2016-07-27T03:25:07Z] Drone4four i just made the change in the project's with the edit button on the interface on GitHub in my browser =D
+ [2016-07-27T03:06:30Z] Drone4four but is there any way to submit que my change up for the owner of the repo to accept or reject?
+ [2016-07-27T03:06:06Z] Drone4four but when i push up to someone else's project i can't b/c they have to add my ssh key
+ [2016-07-27T03:05:40Z] Drone4four i'm trying to push a suggested change up to someone else's repo. i've got my rsa key installed and it works when i am working on my own projects
+ [2016-07-12T21:35:19Z] Drone4four now i can git push origin master without manually entering my credentials
+ [2016-07-12T21:35:00Z] Drone4four thank you jhass: that worked
+ [2016-07-12T21:32:47Z] Drone4four jhass, but when i 'git push origin master' from my local repository to my remote repository on GitHub, my shell still asks me for my username and pass for ''
+ [2016-07-12T21:22:23Z] Drone4four I’m having a serious brain ‘fart’ here. So please bear with me. I’ve been setting up my ssh key with GitHub today. I entered: $ ssh -T which means that I’ve successfully authenticated. My question: So if I can clone any given repository with ssh without the shell prompting me to enter my GitHub credentials, does that mean that I’ve successfully set up my rsa key properly?