latest 10 messages by Elv1313

+ [2014-07-04T22:04:23Z] Elv1313 I would guess i could be done that way to prevent a "touch bomb" attack. Creating many, many small files to hit the quotas and cause apps that don't check their file descriptor properly to crash
+ [2014-07-04T19:34:31Z] Elv1313 vipsy: doing this on something you already pushed might not be the best practice (personal opinion)
+ [2014-07-04T19:31:02Z] Elv1313 Well, if you come from SVN, first read its worth it, really, it is. The value of git come from understanding what you are doing. Otherwise you will rage at it for decades
+ [2014-07-04T19:28:03Z] Elv1313 well you should do a git checkout "your last commit id for that pull " first
+ [2014-07-04T19:27:25Z] Elv1313 git checkout -b my_pull_request_branch
+ [2014-07-04T19:26:38Z] Elv1313 your pull request branch _is_ master
+ [2014-07-04T19:25:55Z] Elv1313 its a feature
+ [2014-07-04T19:25:17Z] Elv1313 wild_oscar: A pull request should always be a (dedicated) branch
+ [2014-07-04T17:28:32Z] Elv1313 When the org is large, this get pretty spammy, and I am also quite sure it violate the Canadian anti-spam law
+ [2014-07-04T17:27:58Z] Elv1313 Hello, is it possible not to be automatically subscribed to new repositories when your part of an organisation?