latest 5 messages by EoN

+ [2017-03-18T23:59:43Z] EoN how do i set/change/view the username + email that i'm using to commit my repo to github?
+ [2017-03-18T23:32:26Z] EoN hmm i guess i should add a .gitignore for ./nbproject/
+ [2017-03-18T23:31:55Z] EoN Seveas: thanks
+ [2017-03-18T23:30:29Z] EoN hi all. i've been hosting my github on a local private github server. is there a way i can now push it to the public github as a fresh brand new clean commit, without all the history etc?
+ [2016-12-11T02:15:16Z] EoN zzz: ahh great, thanks