latest 19 messages by Etua

+ [2017-04-22T21:18:53Z] Etua allejo: Where are you from? Is it US?
+ [2017-04-22T21:15:13Z] Etua allejo: I'd like to thank you very, very much. That's the kind of faults I'd like to see ;-)
+ [2017-04-22T21:13:42Z] Etua allejo: Oh...
+ [2017-04-22T21:10:46Z] Etua allejo: That's all I got in the e-mail: build was passed but pages:deploy failed. Actually If you'd like to ask me, I don't really know what does it mean. I always got more info from the logs.
+ [2017-04-22T21:06:47Z] Etua allejo: Do you mean the bottom just copied by me or some bootom not included in the previous message?
+ [2017-04-22T21:04:32Z] Etua allejo: .
+ [2017-04-22T21:04:18Z] Etua I got such e-mail: Pipeline #7803070 ( ) triggered by Dominik Danelski ( ) had 1 failed build. Job #14836406 Stage: deploy Name: pages:deploy
+ [2017-04-22T21:00:19Z] Etua allejo: New file:
+ [2017-04-22T20:54:30Z] Etua allejo:
+ [2017-04-22T20:54:20Z] Etua Here is my new content of Gemfile and gitlab config:
+ [2017-04-22T20:48:16Z] Etua allejo: Should I add gem install bundler to .gitlab-ci.yml?
+ [2017-04-22T20:44:43Z] Etua allejo: How I am supposed to do that? I've used gem install because all my previous attempts to edit Gemfile ended up incorrectly.
+ [2017-04-22T20:39:20Z] Etua allejo: Thank you. I've made it look like Now I'll make the commit and let you know of results.
+ [2017-04-22T20:32:57Z] Etua allejo: Now my file looks like Is it correct? Sorry to bother you.
+ [2017-04-22T20:29:16Z] Etua allejo: I've also tried with bundle install just after gem install but before building the site. Should I keep it?
+ [2017-04-22T20:28:19Z] Etua allejo: Thank ou for your reply.
+ [2017-04-22T20:27:59Z] Etua allejo: How I am supposed to do that? Just copy this line the same as you wrote it into .gitlab-ci.yml after gem install?
+ [2017-04-22T18:58:43Z] Etua Hello, I've successfully installed jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin using gem install, however when I declare it in gems section of _config.yml file I get the message "It looks like you don't have jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin or one of its dependencies installed. In order to use Jekyll as currently configured, you'll need to install this gem. The full error message from Ruby is: 'cannot load such file -- jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin'" Could you help
+ [2017-04-22T18:58:43Z] Etua me with that? I'm stuck.