latest 10 messages by F3nd3r

+ [2020-01-23T19:01:01Z] F3nd3r I suppose if you folks aren't aware of any widespread complaints it must be something screwy from here to there
+ [2020-01-23T19:00:05Z] F3nd3r Yes, good point
+ [2020-01-23T18:45:34Z] F3nd3r So my first thought was my ISP
+ [2020-01-23T18:45:24Z] F3nd3r spoke to soon D: I've been checking github status. People outside of this georgraphic region are reporting it okay
+ [2020-01-23T18:42:47Z] F3nd3r For example, a recent DNS IP change that hadn't fully propogated everywhere or was propogating incorrectly. Seems like I am mostly OK right now!
+ [2020-01-23T18:41:42Z] F3nd3r R2robot: I meant issues involving the infrastructure and related configuration for GitHub's hosting. It seemed to be very isolated to users (other developers) using my regional ISP
+ [2020-01-23T17:48:07Z] F3nd3r Wasn't sure where to email, but I managed to fire it off on web
+ [2020-01-23T17:40:55Z] F3nd3r Hello all I am unable to hit consistently enough to submit what seems to be a service issue related to DNS resolution of Is anyone else experiencing this?
+ [2020-01-23T17:15:58Z] F3nd3r Anyone? :p
+ [2020-01-23T16:43:42Z] F3nd3r Hello! I am unfamiliar with the procedure of how to report status issues on GitHub. Is this an acceptable place to do so?