latest 5 messages by FFForever

+ [2015-05-12T05:25:18Z] FFForever err :P
+ [2015-05-12T05:25:11Z] FFForever access it via
+ [2015-05-12T05:25:06Z] FFForever derickruiz, yes... {% include file.html foo="bar" %}
+ [2015-05-05T04:21:15Z] FFForever Turns out one of the imports was for a custom font where my dev added non utf-8 characters to show which one it was. For future reference (so I don't have to uncomment one by one 50+ imports) is it possible to see which import is specifically failing?
+ [2015-05-05T03:31:19Z] FFForever Hey hey. When compiling a scss file, I receive the following error jekyll 2.5.3 | Error: Invalid US-ASCII character "\xEE" on line 57