latest 10 messages by Faltad_

+ [2014-02-04T21:28:55Z] Faltad_ alexfu:
+ [2014-02-04T21:24:39Z] Faltad_ what about the drafts?
+ [2014-02-04T21:10:20Z] Faltad_ so my suggestion is just that it would be nice to have a warning about it for future users maybe?
+ [2014-02-04T21:09:52Z] Faltad_ so I lost all my documents/folders in it (my htdocs root basically)
+ [2014-02-04T21:08:47Z] Faltad_ but little did I know that everything in the destination folder will be removed
+ [2014-02-04T21:08:25Z] Faltad_ jekyll build --destination <destination>
+ [2014-02-04T21:08:18Z] Faltad_ once it was done, I followed the instructions here: and built it with:
+ [2014-02-04T21:07:48Z] Faltad_ Basically, I am a newbie with Jekyll, and just started a little 'blog' with it
+ [2014-02-04T21:06:57Z] Faltad_ I have a little suggestion for the website and its documentation, but I don't know where to write it
+ [2014-02-04T21:05:45Z] Faltad_ Hello there