latest 20 messages by FernandoBasso

+ [2016-03-01T22:10:52Z] FernandoBasso Okay, installed it by adding this to Gemfile: gem 'jekyll-asciidoc', :git => '' and then running bundle install. Still, when I jekyll serve, asciidoctor does not convert text. It just make paragraphs. No other formating.
+ [2016-03-01T21:49:40Z] FernandoBasso I am using jekyll-asciidoc, but I am not sure if the error is from that plugin.
+ [2016-03-01T21:49:21Z] FernandoBasso I am getting an error: jekyll 3.1.2 | Error: undefined method `getConverterImpl' for #<Jekyll::Site:0x0000000112d9b8> Any ideas?
+ [2015-07-08T23:26:18Z] FernandoBasso I just wish it was possible to use either one.
+ [2015-07-08T23:26:07Z] FernandoBasso And I really don't think having a tag or category in the file is really best way to categorize posts. I think it is a fine way, but categorizing by subdirectories is also OK.
+ [2015-07-08T23:25:12Z] FernandoBasso I find the date in the name of the file to be a bore, makes it too long, harder to autocomplete from the command line...
+ [2015-07-08T23:23:09Z] FernandoBasso Of if I could do _posts/javascript/js-post1, js-post2, etc at least
+ [2015-07-08T23:22:42Z] FernandoBasso It works, but it feels awkward.
+ [2015-07-08T23:22:32Z] FernandoBasso majuscule, Yes. But root/javascript/* gives me site.pages instead of site.posts.
+ [2015-07-08T23:20:48Z] FernandoBasso root being the project root dir.
+ [2015-07-08T23:20:34Z] FernandoBasso I don't like the idea of having -everything- inside _posts
+ [2015-07-08T23:20:19Z] FernandoBasso instead of _posts/
+ [2015-07-08T23:19:51Z] FernandoBasso I want to have root/javascript/, for instance.
+ [2015-07-08T22:38:34Z] FernandoBasso What I have now is working, but I have lots of site.pages, instead of site.posts.
+ [2015-07-08T22:38:17Z] FernandoBasso The most important, not having the date thing in the filenames.
+ [2015-07-08T22:37:31Z] FernandoBasso Is there anyway that I can have a directory like javascript/ and inside that directory several files and jekyll NOT to treat them as pages, but as posts instead?
+ [2015-06-28T12:44:36Z] FernandoBasso You solution seemed to have no effect, and it seems the sort is happening by title (as if no sorting was applied explicitly).
+ [2015-06-28T12:42:52Z] FernandoBasso But I'll try your solution as well.