latest 4 messages by FingerlessGloves

+ [2019-05-02T07:04:26Z] FingerlessGloves dfcnvt, you don't SSH github, you use the commandline tool git, which uses the SSH protocol basically.
+ [2019-04-28T19:22:38Z] FingerlessGloves imgur have done it before for me, but I doubt it with Github
+ [2019-04-28T19:20:42Z] FingerlessGloves no unfortunately, might be a dead account anyway so might not even get a reply if I did.
+ [2019-04-28T18:52:32Z] FingerlessGloves Anyway to message a user on github? I was wondering if they would give up their username to me but I can't see any message buttosn