latest 13 messages by FiveYellowMice

+ [2016-08-10T23:29:27Z] FiveYellowMice Don't know, github-pages gem already contains gem can convert Sass/SCSS.
+ [2016-08-10T23:17:33Z] FiveYellowMice Are there some prmalink-related configs in your _config.yml ?
+ [2016-08-10T23:01:16Z] FiveYellowMice I know when you end your permalink with a slash, Jekyll will create a directory and index.html inside it.
+ [2016-08-10T22:59:13Z] FiveYellowMice Try set permalink to /my-static-page.html ?
+ [2016-08-10T22:58:30Z] FiveYellowMice Not sure about no permalink though.
+ [2016-08-10T22:58:12Z] FiveYellowMice A slash will definetely make your page index.html...
+ [2016-08-10T22:55:54Z] FiveYellowMice arnaudga: What is the permalink attribute in your front matter?
+ [2016-07-23T13:25:14Z] FiveYellowMice I installed it with `bundle install --path vendor/bundle`.
+ [2016-07-23T13:24:34Z] FiveYellowMice Anyone knows how to fix LoadError: cannot load such file — json ?