latest 10 messages by Fohlen

+ [2014-09-07T21:47:33Z] Fohlen VxJasonxV: thanks alot =)
+ [2014-09-07T21:45:31Z] Fohlen VxJasonxV: all of them look promising. Is there one I could host on my own?
+ [2014-09-07T20:06:58Z] Fohlen or git fetch
+ [2014-09-07T20:06:52Z] Fohlen MavKen: git pull.
+ [2014-09-07T19:57:33Z] Fohlen but gitlab is also a nice idea =)
+ [2014-09-07T19:57:27Z] Fohlen Seveas: I meant one integrating logins/repos via github
+ [2014-09-07T19:43:11Z] Fohlen I saw that somewhere, but just can't come up with the name.
+ [2014-09-07T19:42:51Z] Fohlen anyone knows a enhanced bug tracker that bases upon github? like one that has a voting and discussion pad and irc bot and stuff
+ [2014-07-22T16:39:24Z] Fohlen like repo/wiki.git ?
+ [2014-07-22T16:32:25Z] Fohlen is there a way to push wiki editing via github webhooks?