latest 20 messages by Foxandxss

+ [2014-09-06T13:05:59Z] Foxandxss oh, nevermind, mix of versions
+ [2014-09-06T13:01:29Z] Foxandxss it is not used to do so
+ [2014-09-06T13:01:04Z] Foxandxss (jekyll 0.12.0)
+ [2014-09-06T13:00:55Z] Foxandxss says that --watch is an invalid option
+ [2014-09-06T13:00:47Z] Foxandxss I am using an old jekyll version (with octopress) but I get an error with: jekyll build --watch
+ [2014-09-06T12:15:18Z] Foxandxss certainly a new installation works nice
+ [2014-09-06T12:14:09Z] Foxandxss tried to update the gemfile to the new one on the repo, no errrors but no preview either
+ [2014-09-06T12:13:57Z] Foxandxss I get an invalid option (--watch) from jekyll
+ [2014-09-06T12:13:47Z] Foxandxss well, that is almost no information at all
+ [2014-09-06T12:13:13Z] Foxandxss I am smart enough of not doing a backup of my local octopress so I lost it (I was able to grab my copy from my github), still when I run the preview, blank page
+ [2013-08-02T00:12:06Z] Foxandxss and somehow it is rendered with <code> tags
+ [2013-08-02T00:11:51Z] Foxandxss I have a blog with javascript code and in one post I generate some li (even happens with div)
+ [2013-08-02T00:11:24Z] Foxandxss what would be really lovely is to disable syntax highlighting of a block
+ [2013-08-02T00:10:44Z] Foxandxss just some ifs
+ [2013-08-01T21:40:43Z] Foxandxss Hi, can someone help me adding a dynamic tag in the <body>? I want to add an attribute if I have something in the post metadata