latest 20 messages by FrameFever

+ [2015-05-13T20:53:28Z] FrameFever I use special characters, but cannot see my input this makes it unuseable
+ [2015-05-13T20:53:05Z] FrameFever how can I input my password for github?
+ [2015-05-13T20:44:25Z] FrameFever can anybody help me?
+ [2015-05-13T20:41:20Z] FrameFever how can I solve this problem?
+ [2015-05-13T20:41:13Z] FrameFever Seveas: I cannot type the password, it is too complicated
+ [2015-05-13T20:38:13Z] FrameFever standard win cmd line
+ [2015-05-13T20:38:07Z] FrameFever Seveas: I use cmd line
+ [2015-05-13T20:31:26Z] FrameFever what can I do about this? I cannot even see the password I type in...
+ [2015-05-13T20:31:02Z] FrameFever but for unknown reason I cannot copy paste the password to cmd line prompt
+ [2015-05-13T20:30:45Z] FrameFever git is asking for my password on github
+ [2015-05-13T20:30:30Z] FrameFever now I am working under windows
+ [2015-05-13T20:30:16Z] FrameFever I want to push some change to origin
+ [2015-05-12T20:05:47Z] FrameFever VxJasonxV: yes I clicked the fork button
+ [2015-05-12T20:04:03Z] FrameFever VxJasonxV: provide a pull request to an open source project
+ [2015-05-12T20:00:24Z] FrameFever what do I have to do know?