latest 20 messages by Francis

+ [2013-10-31T16:00:51Z] Francis francis out
+ [2013-10-31T16:00:25Z] Francis cool, nice, well anyway I have to go, so have fun at work, and Ill work on your site soon
+ [2013-10-31T15:58:58Z] Francis cool, any previous points to choose those colors?
+ [2013-10-31T15:58:21Z] Francis damn cool you made that color palette, and yeah the pink, lol.
+ [2013-10-31T15:56:04Z] Francis ok I was going to make it like the blue of your Hi…or your latest post
+ [2013-10-31T15:55:02Z] Francis ok cool, any color preference, maybe…like….seafoam green…lol no Illl figure something out
+ [2013-10-31T15:52:47Z] Francis yeah yeah, but the thing is, I could still make the big one with no text. So you would then prefer text on the big breakpoint.
+ [2013-10-31T15:49:11Z] Francis cool, i have two ideas, one involves text under it, and one doesnt, do you have a preference
+ [2013-10-31T15:47:05Z] Francis cool. so email, github and twitter?
+ [2013-10-31T15:45:54Z] Francis cool cool I will, so if I want to make a social div for you Ill have to learn about your grid system lol
+ [2013-10-31T15:45:11Z] Francis lol i get the point
+ [2013-10-31T15:43:43Z] Francis oh lol
+ [2013-10-31T15:43:32Z] Francis dcd'?
+ [2013-10-31T15:42:23Z] Francis yeah no I get that, but I was gonna do, one for phones and one for tablets
+ [2013-10-31T15:41:35Z] Francis ok cool.
+ [2013-10-31T15:39:18Z] Francis ok but you have 767px, do you have specific sizes for say below 480px for iphone.
+ [2013-10-31T15:38:10Z] Francis how many responsive sizes do you have?
+ [2013-10-31T15:37:44Z] Francis cool, but at least there is some sort of responsiveness
+ [2013-10-31T15:35:51Z] Francis well thats pretty nice then
+ [2013-10-31T15:35:35Z] Francis ok ill trust you for that, but if you say it works well ill try it out.