latest 20 messages by Fun

+ [2014-12-09T01:16:24Z] Fun weird
+ [2014-12-09T01:16:23Z] Fun I am downloading some sfuff and connection breaks
+ [2014-12-09T01:16:11Z] Fun heya
+ [2014-10-23T23:26:08Z] Fun plus this one
+ [2014-10-23T23:26:06Z] Fun thats 3 I know
+ [2014-10-23T23:26:04Z] Fun relaxed :D
+ [2014-10-23T23:26:02Z] Fun magento security and chemistry are cool
+ [2014-10-23T23:25:44Z] Fun :D
+ [2014-10-23T23:25:43Z] Fun banned
+ [2014-10-23T23:24:16Z] Fun :P
+ [2014-10-23T23:23:54Z] Fun in some channels its totally fine :D
+ [2014-10-23T23:23:48Z] Fun its just in some channels people are frequently +b for asking too basic questions in the eyes of ops lol
+ [2014-10-23T23:22:34Z] Fun :D
+ [2014-10-23T23:22:34Z] Fun VxJasonxV: github better give u bonus!
+ [2014-10-23T23:22:06Z] Fun nice
+ [2014-10-23T23:22:02Z] Fun yes
+ [2014-10-23T23:19:21Z] Fun :)
+ [2014-10-23T23:18:48Z] Fun yes
+ [2014-10-23T23:18:43Z] Fun as the simpler the better I think
+ [2014-10-23T23:18:34Z] Fun well as u can see its not